About Us
A free press can be good or bad, but, most certainly, without freedom a press will never be anything but bad.
- Albert Camus

We’re pleased to announce the launch of Mr&Mr world!
This new space will feature everything you know and love about Gay Life.
As we prepare for this exciting new launch, we’re seeking men, fathers, single, couples, married, couples with kids, writers, and photographers to contribute to the blog.
Whether you are a professional or just a person like us living his daily life, you'll have the opportunity to be part of the Mr&Mr world community to share your story, your pictures, or... someone else adventure!
Our goal is to create a place that goes right to the heart of what matters most to our gay community. A place for readers to find stories and news of gay life of all ages, and find comfort and empowerment as they read words that will make them say, ‘I have a story to tell!’
We know that be out can be a tough experience for many, but we want to show that it can also be a marvelous adventure.”
Don’t know where or how to begin to submit your story? Here are some suggestions for where to start:
Written content
Personal stories and experiences
Unique perspectives to offer on everyday Gay life
Advice on how to come out the first time
Stories of body acceptance and celebration
Suggestions for a healthy relationship with your partner
Stories of friendships
Family goals
Gay parenting
Adoption or surrogacy stories
anything you think will be nice and great to share
Pictures related to your story will be requested to you via email after receiving and reading your material. Click here to submit your story. Thank you very much and welcome!