Guest post by @inder_and_ashish
They met each other 8 years ago in Bangalore and since then their lives got intertwined with each other completely. Inder - owner of the Dkloset (only LGBT Store in India) had come down from Mumbai to Bangalore for the Namma Bengaluru Pride 2012 while Ashish was working in an IT firm. They saw, they met, they kissed and rest is history.

5 months down the line, Ashish took a transfer from his job to Mumbai. It has been 7 years since they have been together and counting. Over the years they have inspired a lot of other young folks from the community.

Inder is an organiser of LGBT events known as @ragebydkloset in Mumbai, while Ashish is leading the IT dept in his firm. Inder is a prime example that with hard work, dedication and determination one can achieve wonders.
Today Inder is working tremendously well towards the community while Ashish is heading the IT team in his firm. They are that perfect piece of the jigsaw puzzle that fits so well. In the near future they would want to get married (legally) and fight for their rights.
This is a movement somewhat like a relay race where their pioneers have passed on the baton to them and now it’s their turn take it further. They also have their paternal instincts kicking in.
Both Ashish and Inder would love to now raise a child together and build a family with love and respect.
They say that instead of looking for love, work each day towards being a better version of yourself and let love find you.
Let’s just say, they are a power couple who love to share and set an example. It is possible for each one of us like it has been for them. So let’s show our love and support to this amazing couple.